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A Fun Time to Be Had by All

At French Lick/West Baden Indoor Karting, we can guarantee a fun time for all ages. Our facility features two raceways for children and adults and a family fun center complete with 30 plus arcade games and a bounce house. Our team is courteous and dedicated to their jobs – and that includes carefully screening all equipment for safety. For a fun-filled outing, there is no better location, so get in touch with our team.

FLWB Indoor Karting facility

Do You Have a Need for Speed? Try Our Main Track

The French Lick/West Baden Indoor Karting main indoor raceway is a 1200-foot Grand Prix-style raceway that features top-of-the-line Sodi™ Karts. Not only do they look cool, but they are fast! These adult-only karts travel at speeds of up to 40 miles per house. On the same track, junior karts (for ages eight to 13) travel up to 20 miles per hour. Either way, you can count on a thrilling experience on our main track.

Enjoy Our Family Fun Center for Kid’s Birthday Parties

For those who are either too young to ride our go-karts or disinterested, we have a massive, interactive bounce house located in our family fun center. Whether it is the bounce house or the arcade games that enthrall your children, we know our facility is the perfect spot for your next birthday party. Featuring fun prizes based on ticket winnings, you won’t regret choosing French Lick/West Baden Indoor Karting.

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Contact French Lick/West Baden Indoor Karting Today

French Lick/West Baden Indoor Karting has delivered fun to everyone who walks through our doors for years. We are glad to host your next event. In the past, we have hosted birthday parties for kids and adults alike. We are a popular destination for bachelor and bachelorette parties. If you are an office manager looking for a fun way to treat your employees, then there’s no better place. Whether you want, we are here to accommodate your wishes.

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